Vision & Values
At Meridian we recognise that:
- all children are unique and special;
- we make a difference to children’s lives;
- children have one chance at a primary school education;
- children cannot learn unless they are happy, safe and secure;
- everyone is important to the success of the team.
At Meridian, we aim for all our children:
- to be happy, safe and secure;
- to enjoy school and enjoy learning;
- including those who are deaf, dyslexic or have other learning differences, to become resilient, independent lifelong learners;
- to be the best they can be, whoever they are and whatever their starting points or circumstances.
At Meridian we are committed to:
- the aims and values of our school and to demonstrating these values in our everyday practice;
- a child-centred approach;
- high expectations of all children and staff;
- identifying and overcoming barriers to learning;
- making every lesson count;
- knowing all our children and families and working in partnership with them and the local community.